Stock is a flavoured liquid preparation. Stock is the base for preparing soups and some sauces. vegetable stock is lighter than meat stock. mainly roo....
Cumin is one of the most commonly used spice in the world. It belongs to the parsley family.
Tortillas- pronounced as tor-ti-yas are thin and round breads like indian chappatis. They are filled with different fillings to get Quesadillas, Chimi....
Sour cream is a dairy product obtained by fermenting a regular cream with certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria. The bacterial culture sours and thick....
Chilli con carne is known as 'chilli' in America. It is a a stew of minced beef and beans flavoured with chillies or chilli powder. In Spanish the word carne means beef.
1) In real Chilli, Jalapeno peppers, found in Mexico are used instead of chillies.
Quantity | Name |
250 Gm.s | Beef mince |
1 Tbsp. | Oil |
1 Tbsp. | Butter |
0.5 Cup | Onion chopped finely |
0.5 Cup | Red capsicum, chopped finely |
1 Tsp. | Finely chopped garlic |
1 Tsp. | Chilli powder |
0.5 Tsp. | Cumin powder |
1 Cup | Stock |
1 Cup | Chopped tomatoes |
2 Tbsp. | Tomato puree |
0.5 Cup | Cooked red kidney beans |
1 Tsp. | Chillies chopped |
1 Tsp. | Chocolate, dark |
4 Tsp. | Mozzarella cheese, grated |
1) Heat oil and butter. Add onions and chopped garlic. Let it sweat. 2) Add chillipowder and cumin.
3) Add red capsicum and stir fry lightly. After a few minutes, put in the beef mince and fry till brown . Let it cook a bit. Break the lumps by stirring. Then pour in beef stock.
4) Then add the tomatoes. Add the tomato puree and let it all cook for about half an hour.
5) To this, add chopped jalapenos.
6) Then add the cooked kidney beans and let it boil. The mix should look saucy, thick and moist.
7) Lasty, add a square of dark chocolate just before you`re ready to eat.
8) Transfer the chilli to a bowl, grate mozzarella cheese on top, and heat till the cheese melts.
Chilli goes well with bread or you can spoon it on tortilla chips. You can also serve it with rice and sour cream.