Coleslaw is a salad consisting mainly of finely-shredded raw cabbage with a dressing of mayonnaise. There are many variations of this recipe. Coleslaw....
Mayonnaise or Mayo as is often called, is a thick, creamy sauce. It is an emulsion of oil, egg yolks and vinegar or lemon juice. Mayonnaise varies in color, but is often white, cream, or pale yellow. It may range in texture from that of light cream to a thick gel. In countries influenced by French culture, mustard is also added. Mayo originated in Spain, but then went onto France, where it became famous.
1) Mayonnaise is not recommended for people with egg allergies, high cholestrol and pregnant women. Mayo contains raw egg yolks and the fear of salmonella virus from them is the reason why pregnant women are advised from eating Mayo.
2) Use any flavorless oil like sunflower etc. Do not use any strong smelling oil like coconut, mustard oil etc.
3) In this recipe i have slightly warmed egg yolks , to be on the safer side.
4) A bain marie (Pronunciation: bane mah-ree) is also known as: double boiler, Mary's bath etc. It is a utensil and also a cooking technique. One container, with food to be cooked, is placed over another, larger pan containing water that is at simmering point. This method of cooking surrounds the food with very gentle heat and is used for cooking delicate dishes like custards or white sauces, or melting chocolates. The food containing utensil should not touch water. Hence the utensil containing food should be larger than the container with simmering water.
5) It is better to use an electric hand blender, as using a whisk is a time consuming process.
Quantity | Name |
1 No. | Egg yolk |
0.5 Cup | Oil |
1 Tbsp. | Water |
0.5 Tbsp. | Vinegar |
1 Pinch | Sugar (optional) |
0.5 Tsp. | Mustard powder(optional) |
Salt to taste | |
1 Tsp. | White pepper powder |
1) Mix egg yolk with water and sugar.
2) Cook on a Bain-marie(double boiler). Keep stirring the egg yolks continuously with a spoon.The yolks should not scramble. As soon as the yolk starts to thicken, take off the heat and keep in a vessel with cold water, to prevent further cooking.
3) Beat the mixture well either with a hand whisk or electric hand blender. Start adding oil drop by drop and beat well continuously. Care should be taken not to add oil in larger quantities, as the sauce may curdle, instead of emulsifying.
4) In between add, vinegar, pepper powder and salt also. Keep bottled in fridge for about 8 to 10 days.
Serve as dressing with Coleslaw, with French fries, sandwiches etc.