Jelly, jam and preserves are all made from fruit mixed with sugar and pectin.Pectin is present in ripe fruits and is used as a setting agent in jams a....
As against pancakes made with milk, these are made with buttermilk. Also flour has been substituted with wholewheat flour. Pancakes are eaten in English speaking countries on Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake day), which is the day preceding Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent. Pancakes are eaten on that day as they are made of the main foods like sugar, fat, flour & eggs whose consumption was traditionally restricted during Lent.
1) Each pancake was made with 1/4 cup of batter.
Quantity | Name |
0.25 Cup | Whole wheat flour |
2 Tsp. | Sugar |
0.25 Tsp. | Baking powder |
1 Pinch | Baking soda |
1 Pinch | Salt |
0.75 Cup | Buttermilk |
1 Tbsp. | Butter,unsalted, softened |
1 No. | Egg |
2 Tsp. | Butter / oil |
1) Combine wheat flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Using a whisk mix well.
2) In another bowl, mix together buttermilk, egg and butter. Whisk well. Then pour this into the flour mix. Whisk well to combine. It is okay even if there are lumps. Do not whisk the batter too much.
3) Rest the batter for 5 minutes. Meanwhile heat a pan, coat lightly with butter or oil. Take 1/4 cup of batter and pour onto the pan. Need not spread the batter. When bubbles appear on top, flip over and cook till golden brown. Add a drizzle of butter on top.
Serve with honey or any jam or fruit sauce. I served it with homemade strawberry preserve and honey.