Paneer is a fresh cheese common in south Asian cooking. It is an unaged, acid-set, non-melting farmers cheese or curd cheese made by curdling heate....
Pancakes are eaten in English speaking countries on Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake day), which is the day preceding Ash Wednesday, (the first day of Lent. Pancakes are eaten on that day as they are made of main foods like sugar, fat, flour & eggs whose consumption was traditionally restricted during Lent.
1) Do not overcook pancakes. Cheese will become tough.
Quantity | Name | |
3 No.s | Eggs, yolks and whites separated | |
1 Tbsp. | Sugar | |
1 Tsp. | Vanilla | |
1 Cup | Cottage cheese, fresh grated | |
0.5 Cup | Whole wheat flour | |
Salt to taste |
1) Mix egg yolks with sugar, beating well.
2) Add vanilla essence, cottage cheese, and flour.
3) Then, in another bowl, whisk the whites until frothy and fold into the cottage cheese mixture.
4) Heat a pan and pour about 1/4 cup batter onto it & make pancakes of about 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Each pancake will take a minute or so to cook and brown underneath. Then you should flip it and cook the other side, and remove .
Serve warm with strawberry preserve / Jam or honey or maple syrup.